Tone Series - the colors are back on the table
Herewith a long-awaited article about the Tone frame, which has been in the range for a couple of years. The frame initially consisted of four varieties, but has now fallen well into place with three color varieties: Yellow, Apricot & Olive.
Table setting in muted pastel colors
In recent years, the colors have - thankfully - come back a bit in the homes and on the tables. We have gone more from the white and a little cold, to the warm and colorful. Preserved, we are in Scandinavia, so too much color you have to look for a long time, but we have become better at letting the colors play a role among the white tones.
Tone series
The Tone series consists of plates, dishes, cups with and without handle, as well as a milk jug and hopefully also soon a teapot and butter bowl. Both plates and cups come in several different sizes. The frame is made of light stoneware mass, which has a silky matt surface that i.a. makes the cups extremely comfortable to drink from and hold on to.
The Tone series has been very well received, and many customers have commented on the silky soft surface and the comfortable way in which the cups are held in the hand. It's so nice to hear, as it was just important to me in the development of the series.
Tone teapot and butter bowl are on the way
I have something with teapots. They are hugely decorative on any table, and the development is both demanding but also very creative. It must be functional and in line with the rest of a frame, but at the same time it must also stand out and be something special.
The tone teapot and the good, old daws' butter bowl are under development, but as with so much else, it takes time to reach the perfect end result, and when dealing with clay and porcelain, it can sometimes have its own ways. . A lot is being tested and hopefully I can soon unveil the finished products.
Inspiration to set a beautiful table
You can set the table in many ways, and of course you have your own way of doing it. If you still need some tips and tricks on how to make your table setting a little more lively, then we have gathered some suggestions below.
- Work with the heights. Let some elements go a little in height so that not all things lie flat on the table. It can be tall candlesticks, flowers or wine glasses that break with the table's surface and let the table setting fill the room a little more. Remember, however, that you must always be able to see those sitting on the other side of the table ;-)
- Combine the colorful with the white. The colors are back, yes, but that does not mean that all your old, white ceramics have to go for a walk. Instead, it can look very beautiful to combine the colorful with the white. If you do not like it making so much noise, you can choose napkins, candles and / or flowers that are in the same tones, so you stick to a few colors.
- Play with the materials. Ceramics, fabric, glass, porcelain, etc., etc. do really well in combination with each other. The different surfaces give their own play to the table, and in combination they can give a fine overall expression, which is more vivid than if it were all the same. The soft and organic elements like napkins and flowers break nicely with the slightly harsh look that ceramics and glass can have.
It's just for inspiration - hope it can be used.